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Masia Mansion dating from the 1,928 in Alt Empordà

  • Vista aérea de la construcción rodeada de arboledas y jardines de la propiedad.
  • Detalle de las fachadas de y terrazas que la conforma
  • Detalle de las fachada principal de la casa
  • Hall de entrada con escalinata de acceso a plantas
  • Hall de entrada con la puerta principal de acceso a la vista al fondo de la imagen
  • Distribuidor de la buhardilla
  • Unos de los baños de la casa y una de las habitaciones de la misma
  • Espectacular y espaciosa buhardilla de la casa con varios arco de carga de cubierta y estructura a la vista.
  • Porche corrido en fachada sur de la propiedad con arcos de crucería
  • Detalle de la piscina de la casa con fuente en el centro de esta
  • Detalle de las fachadas y los balcones de la casa por la entrada principal
  • Detalle de la fachada principal de la casa completamente cubierta de yedra trepadora con la piscina en un lateral de la imagen
  • Detalle de la fachada principal de la casa completamente cubierta de yedra trepadora que la hace aún más atractiva
  • Vista desde el jardín la piscina y la fachada de la casa
  • Detalle de las fachadas de y terrazas que la conforma cubierta de yedra trepadora
  • Detalle de parte de la fachada y de la terraza


Mansion dating from the 1,928 well preserved. It is spread over three floors plus several annexes.

The three floors of the building occupy 1,600m2. Cellar, attic of 80m2. Two terraces on the first floor of 80 m2 each, with six stone balconies.

Downstairs are three entrances. Hall, kitchen, two bathrooms, a laundry room, study, dining room.

On the first floor is a stone staircase and stairs two meters wide, wrought iron railing, an additional stairway. Elevator, distributor hall, dining room, three outdoor rooms with balconies, two outdoor toilet with terrace and balcony, a kitchen, two terraces.

On the second floor hall distributor, eight exterior rooms, living room, office, attic access stairs.

Attached housing guards with an area of ​​80m2. It has three bedrooms, kitchen, bathroom, dining room, garden independent access, direct access to the main house, remodeled in 1997. Stables for five horses.

Garage for four vehicles. As architectural feature of the house include the height of three meters on each floor, ceramic vaults, walls of solid wood. Located in the center of a farm, with cereal crops and water. 2500m2 garden surrounded with palm trees, oaks, laurels and roses.

Pool five to ten with a depth of two meters, staircase and decorative fountain, with 1,930 original stonework, own well.


2.100.000 €
Type of property: 
Property classification: 
1 800 m2
40 000 m2
Additional characteristics: 
Swimming pool
Energy rating of the property

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